When the use of big sizes regulator is a must and its position is uncomfortable, it can be useful the pneumatic piloted regulator "JRP" series. They are regulator without regulating spring and knob; the pressure adjustment has made by means of pressure from a piloting regulator placed far from it. Beside the easy main circuit pressure adjustment regulator feature, there is a better sensitivity than the manual version especially if you use a high precision pilot regulator.
Order codes
J R P . 3 8 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0
1 3 4
1 Series
JRP Air piloted regulator
2 Port size
... 38=G3/8 12=G1/2 34=G/4 1=G1
4 Variants
SR With fixing bracket JSR
M10 Gauge: scale 0÷10
M04 Gauge: scale 0÷4
AC Inlet pilot pressure from the body
NR Without relieving
DX Flow from right
Code example
Piloted regulator with G3/8 port size, with gauge scale 0÷10, without relieving.